98 Years of Dhammakaya Knowledge (Vijja Dhammakaya)
Dhammakaya is the body of enlightenment of the Lord Buddha and “vijja” is the true knowledge; together, “vijja Dhammakaya” means the true and supreme knowledge illuminated by the Dhammakaya vision. This knowledge is the core principle of Buddhism that will lead to extinguishing of suffering and attainment of the state of supreme bliss known is Nibbana.
The Heart of the Family#2
When a person thinks a bout selecting a spouse, or thinks about getting married and having a family, one must prepare oneself because nobody can avoid the four Problems previously mentioned
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Living in an Amenable Location (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Bless Four :- Living in an Amenable Location.
Listening Regularly to Dhamma Teachings # 1
Listening regularly to the Dhamma teachings means to seek out opportunities to hear Buddhist teachings.
Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas
Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas – The Ancient Buddhist Scriptures of the World
Parents, Worthy of Our Reverence
In 1999, statistics in Thailand showed that the number of elderly people who are being neglected increased by at least 300,000 per year while retirement homes in Thailand can only accommodate an increase of 200 people per year
14th International Dhammadadaya Ordination Program (IDOP) July 3- August 8, 2016 - Dhammakaya Temple, Thailand
The Dhammakaya temple is hosting the 14th International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP) from July 3- August 8, 2016. For this event,
What is the importance of blessings, and how one bestows blessings?
In Thai tradition, on important days like New Year’s Day, or other auspicious days, younger generations always pay respect and ask for blessings from their elders. I’d like to ask Luang Phaw the importance of blessings, and how one bestows blessings.
Blessing Our Descendants #2
The Lord Buddha taught the way to create the very best in oneself by eliminating greed, anger, and ignorance through the accumulation of merit.
Why Thailand, a country made up mainly of Buddhists and Buddhism provides so many valuable teachings, has a lesser economic growth than the western countries?
Venerable Luang Phaw sir, I am curious why Thailand, a country made up mainly of Buddhists and Buddhism provides so many valuable teachings, has a lesser economic growth than the western countries?